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File management merged


A first strategy for file management was merged. Called tree, this strategy allows tori to manage files by mimicking the root of the file system from ~/.config/tori/base.

Whenever a conflict is detected, you will see the following dialog when running tori check:

Differs: ~/.shrc
 [1] Overwrite system
 [2] Overwrite configuration
 [3] Show difference
 [0] Exit
Choose an option number:

Check out the updated documentation for details on how it works.

This version also includes file backups prior to any destructive operation. The backups will live in ~/.local/state/tori/backup. The backups documentation page was also updated with more details.

With this feature, tori can now fulfill the role of package management and file management in replicating a FreeBSD system. Most likely to be implemented next are imperative commands for adding and removing packages from your packages file.