
tori is a tool to track system configurations and replicate them.

For an overview, see the discover page. If you’d like a more detailed description of what tori is, its purpose, origins and goals, see the announcement blog post.

For updates and access to source code, visit the project website .


First of all, check if your operating system is supported.

tori is still in very early development and not yet packaged. To try it, clone its repository to your system:

git clone /path/to/repository

Next, create ~/.config/tori/tori.conf with the following content:

tori_root = /path/to/repository

If you clone it to the default location, ~/.local/share/tori, the above step is not necessary.

Finally, you need to symlink the tori file at the repository root to somewhere on your $PATH:

ln -s /path/to/repository/tori $HOME/.local/bin/tori


You are now ready to start creating your configuration in ~/.config/tori. You could start by creating a packages file there with the packages you expect to have installed.

When you want to compare the configuration with your actual system, you can use tori check.

If you did that at this point, with only a few packages in your ~/.config/tori/packages file, tori would likely give you a long list of all the other packages you have manually installed but have not added to this package list. Among the options on how to proceed, you could now “Add all to configuration”.

Then, if you run tori check again it should exit immediately, as all the packages match.

To learn more about all the ways you can declare your system using the configuration directory, see the documentation page on configuration.

Currently, the following commands are implemented:

  • check: check for divergences between the configuration and the system
  • cache: force an update of the local package cache
  • help: show a usage summary with supported options
  • version: print the current version and its release date

To issue a command, use tori <command>, as in tori check.