
This document is meant as a list of planned changes. While their inclusion here means their implementation is desirable, the timing will depend on other priorities that could be unlisted.


  • Allow imperative configuration commands through a parsed file containing instructions

Package management

  • When deciding to install/uninstall packages, there should be the option to also add/remove them from the configuration, both interactively and non-interactively
  • Add install, uninstall and query commands to check the status of packages and simultaneously add/remove to/from system and configuration
    • Once install/uninstall and add/remove to/from configuration conflict resolution strategies have been implemented, the same functions can be reused to implement this

File management

  • Allow merging spare files on ~/.config/tori/base by specifying where they should be copied to


  • Make configurable:

    • authorizer command (sudo/doas/su)
    • package cache update frequency (currently defaults to daily)
  • Configurable hostname discernment:

    • extension, as in packages.hostname, base.hostname base/file.hostname, hostname.conf
    • directory, as in hostname/packages, hostname/base, hostname.conf


  • Add a --break flag to the log function to print a newline before any output
    • Add this flag to the log debug "user:\n$user_packages" call on scan_packages() in
  • set_opts() would be more ergonomic if it took on and off instead of - and +